Mim Padgham, 23, a primary school teacher had suffered from clogged pores for the past 6 years.
"It was a knock on my confidence to cover my marks with makeup everyday but it was necessary as young children didn’t understand what acne was. My students would often ask me why I was so dotty and mistaken my acne for chicken pox."

Mim spent thousands on masks, scrubs, washes, and lotions which claimed to be effective at stopping acne. When they failed to meet their claims, the fallback excuse would be due to “hormonal acne”, which can’t be controlled.
She starting taking contraceptives in an effort to regulate her hormones and she also took antibiotics and prescription topical medication but those hormonal acne treatments did not have a lasting effect to slow down the breakouts.
In addition, the prescription topical lotion had an overdrying effect causing her skin to overcompensate by producing extra oil and causing more breakouts. She discontinued using the prescription topical lotion but remained on antibiotics.
Watch her results and review
Individual results may vary
Once she stopped using antibiotics, Mim started using the Clear Out and noticed a difference almost immediately. Similar to her prescription topical lotions, the Clear Out contains a retinoid that flushes out dead skin trapped inside the pore.
However, the Clear Out is gentle and didn’t cause overdrying or stinging that she had experienced with the prescription topical lotion. This is because the Clear Out combines AZA+retinol in order to drive better results with less side effects.
"Within a month, most of my actives were gone and I was only left with post-acne red marks."

Individual results may vary
She had been misinformed in the past that the post-acne marks she had were lasting scars and the only way to get rid of them was to use dermaroller needles to her face.
Mim didn't want to risk permanent scarring from needling at home and visiting an aesthetician was out of the question since they charged £800 for three sessions.
"I couldn't find a skincare brand that made a topical lotion effective in fading post-acne red marks but Clearly Basics made a formulation for me!"
The Lighten Up uses essential oils to reduce the appearance of post-acne red marks and it made a significant difference. You can track her progress on her Instagram page at @acneisntugly.
For the first time in years, Mim has gone weeks without using green concealer and can go to work without makeup.
“I’m a lot happier and confident. The Lighten Up has saved me so much money as I no longer need to buy expensive foundation to cover up my marks.”
Mim was worried that she would get breakouts just before her period but was pleasantly surprised when she remained clog-free due to the Clear Out.
Many have asked how she beat hormonal acne : she only uses very few products and Clearly’s Power Duo (Clear Out + Lighten Up) in her skincare routine.
How she beat hormonal acne
Mim is a primary school teacher from Southampton, England. Her Instagram page @acneisntugly is dedicated to help those with acne. Her progress post on Instagram is shown below. You can track her progress and the products she has tried from her page. For reviews on the Power Duo, visit the reviews section of Clearly's Facebook page. Use the coupon code ACNEISNTUGLY to get 10% off any item in the clearly basics eStore.