“I used to look in the mirror and try to imagine what I would look like with clear skin ... I couldn’t.”She tried an endless list of skincare products and diets to no avail. After three years of breakouts, Emma managed to get off the wait list for a dermatologist. Antibiotics only made things worse but six hard months of prescription oral medication helped to calm down her cysts. However, she was left with persistent red acne marks and could not find a product to fade away the red scars. She used a number of acids, peels and cleaners which only irritated her skin, leaving her cheeks flushed and sensitive.
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“I started using Clearly Basics and now a lot of those spots have gone... no joke!! ❤️”
Emma’s Instagram page @by.emmataylor is dedicated to help those recognize that acne is normal. Her updated post on Instagram is shown below. You can track her progress and the products she has used in the past from her page. For reviews on the Complete Trio, visit the reviews section of Clearly's Facebook page. Use the coupon code EMMA to get 10% off any item in the clearly basics eStore.