La mejor rutina de cuidado de la piel para el acné que realmente funciona

Régimen fácil de 3 pasos para una piel limpia y radiante.

Cuando nos enfrentamos a un problema de cuidado de la piel, nuestro primer instinto es atacar. Ataca el brote de acné. Nuevos lavados de cara. Nuevas cremas hidratantes. Nuevos peelings y mascarillas.

Elige, pincha y sobreanaliza tu piel. En un mundo que enfatiza soluciones rápidas y soluciones nuevas, es muy difícil hacer algo que realmente ayude a tu piel, déjalo en paz.

Suena loco, ¿verdad? Guarde la multitud de productos que ha estado usando durante semanas en un intento frenético de resolver el brote de acné que siempre presenta un desafío.

La clave para eliminar el brote de acné es simplificar.

Simplifique su rutina de cuidado de la piel. Cuando aplicamos una capa de un producto tras otro, tanto viejos como nuevos, nuestra piel no tiene tiempo ni siquiera de comprender, y mucho menos de curarse de lo que se le presenta.

Permítanos simplificar su vida. ¡Nadie tiene tiempo para preocuparse por los brotes de acné!

Deshazte de la rutina de cuidado de la piel de 15 pasos que está ocupando tu precioso tiempo y contraespacio y cámbiala por una rutina de 3 pasos que seguramente eliminará tu brote de acné. Así es como se hace:

1. Limpiar

Si bien es cierto que desea que el fregadero de su cocina o los pisos de baldosas estén impecablemente limpios, lo último que desea es una sensación tensa, seca y absolutamente limpia después de lavarse la cara. Mantenlo simple.

Busque un limpiador que elimine los resultados de un largo día y recupere su piel. Puede ser tentador optar por los limpiadores que cuentan con efectos que atacan el brote de acné, pero resista.

Luego nos ocuparemos del brote de acné. Por ahora, limítese a darle a su rostro el lavado suave y reconfortante que se merece después de un largo día de trabajo.

Clearly's Balancing Cleanser es un gel limpiador sin jabón que lava a fondo el rostro sin eliminar los aceites naturales que hacen que la piel luzca apropiadamente "resplandeciente" y maravillosa. Repleto de un golpe respaldado por dermatólogos, el Limpiador Equilibrante hace la cantidad justa de trabajo.

Consejo profesional: Si hiciste tu rutina de cuidado de la piel de 3 pasos la noche anterior, a veces lo mejor que puedes hacer para el brote de acné es saltarte otro lavado por la mañana Déjalo respirar. De la noche a la mañana, su piel ha producido algunos increíbles aceites naturales, manténgalos cerca. Es un pensamiento aterrador, pero ya se ha dicho: la simplicidad es la clave.

2. Elimina el brote de acné

Es hora de lo que todos hemos estado esperando: acabar con el brote de acné. Clear Out usa retinol, AZA y aceite de pracaxi para representar un ataque triple y poderoso contra los brotes de acné.

No se asuste, sin embargo, con la forma en que funciona esta fórmula, desencadenará un éxodo de piel muerta y brotes de bajo nivel que ya estaban atrapados debajo de su piel.

Recuerde: la paciencia es la clave. Dale tiempo y limpiará esos poros (garantía de devolución de dinero).

RONDA DE BONIFICACIÓN: Antes de aplicar Clear Out, aplique una capa de Lighten Up. Nada es más frustrante que las marcas rojas que quedan mientras tratamos de lidiar con los brotes de acné. Lighten Up está destinado a lidiar con eso. Repleto de aceites esenciales, Lighten Up es una fórmula antienrojecimiento destinada a minimizar la apariencia de las molestas marcas rojas.

Deja que Lighten Up y Clear Out sean el doble golpe que elimine oficialmente tu brote de acné.

3. Hidratar

Como con todas las cosas en la vida, hidrátate. Nunca se puede decir lo suficiente: la hidratación es clave. De la misma manera que el agua sabe como la cosa más maravillosa y satisfactoria del mundo después de un gran entrenamiento, la crema hidratante se siente como la cosa más maravillosa del mundo para tu piel después de un largo día de lucir bella. Dicho esto, elige el humectante que sea perfecto para tu piel.

Si tu piel es normal o grasosa, intenta usar Matte Hydrator. Es una fórmula que contiene ácido hialurónico, que retiene 1000 veces su peso en humedad: habla de un golpe de gracia. Matte Hydrator es perfecto para tratar el molesto brote de acné porque proporciona hidratación sin ahogar la piel en pesadez y grasa.

Si tu piel es más seca, prueba el Protective Moisturizer.Un humectante a base de crema rebosante de péptidos y antioxidantes (¡hola, vitamina C!), este humectante brinda la cantidad perfecta de hidratación para reparar, renovar y rejuvenecer la piel

4. Proteger

Está bien, mentimos un poco, hay un paso más en su nueva rutina de cuidado de la piel, pero es muy importante, ¡lo juramos! Por la mañana, es fundamental para proteger la piel. Hable con su dermatólogo sobre el bloqueador solar perfecto que protegerá su piel de los dañinos rayos UV. La primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina y todos tenemos fiebre primaveral. Entonces, empápate de ese sol pero mantén tu rostro protegido.

¡Voilá! Eso es todo. ¿Cómo te sientes? ¿Satisfecho y un poco aliviado? Una rutina fácil aprobada por dermatólogos para eliminar el brote de acné.

Recuerde: la consistencia y la simplicidad son la clave.

Paciencia, querido amigo, y te prometemos que tus brotes de acné desaparecerán en poco tiempo.

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See what others have to say about Clearly Basics.

Based on 25 reviews
Skin Type: Normal
Comments: Any ideas on how to get rid of brown skin damage
Skin defence

Marks of sun damage are still there they haven't faded much after using twice a day for 60 days. . I will continue until product is finished. I'm a bit disappointed

Skin Type: Combination

I am so happy that I stumbled upon clearly basics on instagram. I was skeptical at first but decided to give it a try and bought clear out clarifying lotion. It's been 2 months and my skin has improved a lot. I can see significant reduction in pores and acne.

Skin Type: Combination

After years of medication and products, I decided to try clearly basics. In just 6 weeks my skin has calmed and I am now able to treat scarring.

So glad to have found these products!

Finding products that helped to control my acne without irritating my sensitive skin has always been a huge challenge. The clearly basics products have been my saviour, I can't recommend them enough ☺️

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Excellent and actually works

I am so incredibly impressed with the TLC for pore minimising - it 💯 works and has transformed my skin.

I’m in my 50’s and always had hormonal flare ups with larger pores as I age - this is a game changer and have just reordered my 3rd bottle !


Skin Type: Combination
The Best!!

So good been buying for a couple years. Just a shame they no longer ship to UK and I have to look for another product

not bad but I thought the formula has changed since what it was previously (i had it maybe 2 years ago) and I found it less effective now

Skin Type: Combination
This is the stuff.

So, long time sufferer of acne. Started when I was 12 and I'm 28 now still battling it. I've tried all kinds of different things to try and get it under control and besides birth control, nothing has helped long term. I never want to take birth control ever again and I just happened upon this brand and decided well, why not try? To my amazement, it has helped more than anything else I've tried, I'd say it has improved my skin to the level it was at when I took BC. Of course I still get pimples every now and then, and tiny flare ups during PMS but my skin is nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I highly recommend this company. To those who are considering trying this out, be aware that during the first week or so your skin will go through a purge and your acne will appear to get worse at first. Stick with it! Once that phase is over is when your skin will begin improving. I do need to use it every night for it to be fully effective, but even when I do forget, the pimples don't get too out of control. I just can't say enough good things about this product. It has helped my confidence improve immensely and I definitely recommend trying it to those who have skin as finicky as mine.

Skin Type: Sensitive / Dry
The only moisturiser I trust

I am super sensitive and this is the only moisturiser that I trust honestly incredible.

Skin Type: Combination

I use this product and with the clear out and it has really helped my hormonal acne.

This skin care routine is the o lay one that has helped clear up my daughters skin.

My daughters skin is really starting to look better!

Skin Type: Oily
So far so good

Bought this for my daughter that has struggled with acne for years. She has seen improvement and less frequent breakouts.

Best moisturizer I have found!

Lighten Up Redness Rescue Cream
Veronica Ilenya Ranieri
Skin Type: Sensitive / Dry

Has changed my skin from acne pro to almost perfect 😍😍

Skin Type: Combination
Obsessed !!

Obsessed with this cleanser!! It left me feeling fresh and prevented break outs. It is incredible . Loved this product so much

My skin feels so soft after using this moisturiser!

My skin feels so soft after using this moisturiser!

Skin Type: Combination
Fresh and clean!

My face is filled with energy and feels so fresh and clean!

Skin Type: Normal
excellent item!

have been using this for years! so good for my skin :)

So Fresh pH Balancing Cleanser
Carmelinda Di Manno
Skin Type: Combination
Fresh Feeling

My skin feels so clean and still hydrated when I use this cleanser. It’s balancing and refreshing. My skin has responded really well to it and at times my skin can be sensitive. I highly recommend this product to anyone with relatively oily t-zone area

Skin Type: Combination
Very happy!

Love the texture, the minty scent and the lather.
I wish the bottles were a bit bigger HOWEVER they are just small enough to fly with.

Skin Type: Normal
Comments: The only thing I now need to use to keep my skin clear.
The holy grail for clearing hormonal acne.

This is the only product that I have needed to keep my skin clear since discovering it about 2 years ago, after suddenly developing cystic hormonal acne at the age of 25. I now only need to use it every second night, so it's incredibly affordable. It has also never irritated my sensitive skin and it has faded previous acne marks to truly clear my skin. After years of trying expensive supplements/products/harsh prescription creams, Clear Out was the only thing that gave me long-lasting results.

Skin Type: Oily
Clearly Basics is the only product that has helped my Adult Acne

I have always struggled with dehydrated acne prone skin. Every month like clockwork I would get a new breakout on my chin or cheek area. These included large cystic acne that by the time they came to a head would take me months to clear. With new breakouts each month this created more & more spots before the first could heal leaving more hyper pigmentation spots that never have time to clear. Clearly basics changed all that for me. It gave my skin a chance to heal and reduced the number of breakouts each month. When I do get a new breakout it resolves itself quickly with less scarring and redness. Now that the acne is under control the products are helping to eliminate the remaining hyper pigmentation spots left from years of acne. I have not been using the product for long but I will continuing relying on this product and look forward to the day I can happily look in the mirror at a smooth clear & even complexion some day soon.

Skin Type: Combination
Comments: Product consistency in terms of smoothness/coarseness/stickiness/ is sometimes a miss, don't believe it affects the result provided.
Great Combo

Have seen great improvements by using these 2 items concurrently, hard to fault and wil continue purchasing.

Individual results may vary

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